Choosing between San Francisco preschools for your young one can be tough. There are lots of options. While you might want to consider things like price and location, what’s really important is that your child is building skills for school and life later on. For this reason, you definitely want to check out multiple preschool options to find that one that best suits your child’s needs. Here are just three of the many preschools in San Francisco:
The Room to Grow Preschool
This preschool has locations in San Francisco and Oakland. It accepts three and four year olds for half-day preschool or an extended option that’s excellent for working parents. This school operates on the Reggio learning model, which asserts that children should learn things for themselves rather than being taught everything. Because of this model, teachers really act as facilitators. They let the children discover projects, and then lead them in making those projects learning opportunities. By doing things on their own, children will really grasp new concepts and learn to explore their worlds.
At the school, three and four year olds are in separate classes, but they are brought together for communal meals, songs, and story readings throughout the day. Younger students who stay for the whole day will have a necessary nap time to help them regain energy for afternoon play. This is a great preschool option for San Francisco families. By only admitting up to 26 families per school at a time, the preschool really fosters a sense of community.
Magic Cottage Preschool
If you want your child to have more of a planned, intentional preschool education that still focuses on play, the Magic Cottage Preschool on Lawton Street may be a good option. This school is built on the Waldorf style of early education. This is similar to the Reggio model because it also notes that a child’s environment is essential for creating learning opportunities. However, rather than being totally child directed, the day at Magic Cottage is structured by teachers. Within that structure, children have the ability to play and explore.
Students at Magic Cottage alternate playing indoors with playing outdoors, and activities take on a predictable daily and weekly rotation. One of the things students love at this school is playing outside even in rainy weather. They also get a chance to visit nearby community gardens and even to grow their own herbs and vegetables in an organic garden. This contact with plants and seasonal growth is important for helping students understand how the natural world works.
Little Star Preschool
This preschool at Taraval and 36th street offers a structured curriculum that still has flexibility for child-directed activities. The school offers an interesting curriculum that includes instruction in several Chinese dialects. Students will also be exposed to the dance of other cultures, and this multi-cultural school allows students to form friendships with students of many races and religions.
Little Star Preschool operates on a weekly theme that allows students to tie together lessons and activities from the whole week. Each teacher plans a curriculum based on the theme of the week.
Each year, parents can meet with teachers to go over the individual student assessment. This helps parents know what to work on at home and how to plan for kindergarten and elementary school choices. Students will also receive progress reports to help parents help them through preschool and beyond.
Content Prepared By :Pratheek
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