The Phonetic Object Box

The Phonetic Object Box is a Montessori language  material  in Montessori teachers  training curriculum. This phonetic object box is used to save phonetic objects and prepared labels. This container is prepared in this sort of way that youngsters can save related gadgets in the container on their own. The letters are engraved on the lid of each compartment. There is a separate compartment for objects related to each sound/letter. Each compartment has a lid with a knob on it. Have the child take out all of the gadgets from the container and as he does so, have him name all f the items so you are sure that the child is aware about what every is. Tell the child that you are thinking about one of the gadgets but you are not going to say a word. Write one of the gadgets a slip of paper. With the child, have a look at the letters and make the sounds of the phrase. Repeat the sounds a bit speedy and a hint faster until you are every pronouncing the word and now no longer the man or woman sounds. Have the child repeat the phrase after which vicinity the label with that item. Continue in the equal way until you have got were given located all of the labels with the proper item. Ask the child to select up the labels, combo them, look at one by one and area them under the objects again. If the child might now no longer struggle, then gift the pre-written labels. – Tell the child that the ones are organized labels for the gadgets. The little one can study the organized labels and area them next to their item. The little one can work alone.


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