montessori sensorial activities

Montessori Color Tablets

The Montessori colour capsules are a conventional Montessori sensorial fabric and are a “fan favorite” in Montessori teachers training lecture rooms across the world. This is probably because of their attractive colorations and their capacity as an object for open-ended exploration.

There are three Color Tablet packing containers:

Box 1: three pairs of number one colour capsules

Box 2: eleven pairs of number one and secondary colorations capsules, plus black, grey, pink, and brown

Box 3: nine units of seven capsules. Primary and secondary colorations, plus grey, black, pink, and brown The first 2 packing containers are pairing sports and the 1/3 container is a grading activity. Children are welcome to apply their imaginations to create designs with the capsules following the presentation and activity.

How to present the Montessori Color Tablets

The Montessori Color Tablets have to now no longer all be brought in a single lesson, or maybe in a single day. Space the advent of the containers out so your infant has the possibility to paintings with every one till they’re geared up to transport forward.

Box 1

Show your infant that the pills have to be treated through their edges

  • Place the pills in random order on a desk Say, “I’m going to in shape those colors.”
  • Pick a crimson pill and vicinity it at the desk in the front of your infant
  • Let your infant see which you are searching carefully for its in shape
  • Place the second one crimson pill subsequent to the primary one, to its right
  • Put the pair of crimson pills on the pinnacle of the desk
  • Follow those steps with the yellow and blue shadeation pills
  • Show your infant the matched pairs, one through one, and inform her, “This is a couple due to the fact the colours are the same.”
  • Return the pills to the middle of the desk in a random order and invite your infant to attempt the activity.

Box 2

  • Place the tablets in random order on a table
  • Say, “I’m going to match these colors.”
  • Pick a red tablet and place it on the table in front of your child
  • Place the second red tablet next to the first one, to its right
  • Put the pair of red tablets at the top of the table
  • Follow these steps with the yellow and blue color tablets, forming a column
  • Proceed with pairing the remaining colors in the order purple, green, orange, brown, grey, pink, white, and black
  • Return the tablets to the center of the table in a random order and invite your child to try the activity.
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